ICAC 73RD PLENARY MEETING - Hotel and Tour Information

Date Posted: 16 sep., 2014
The theme of the 73rd Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) is “From Land to Brand: Strengthening the Cotton Value Chain”. This annual event is one of the premier fixtures in the world cotton calendar and will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from November 2 to 7, 2014. The suggested theme covers a wide variety of topics, ranging from sustainable production practices, climate change, exchange of germplasm and logistics to value addition and national branding.
To register, please visit: https://www.icac.org/mtgs/Plenary/73rd-Plenary/Details

The venue of the meeting is the Makedonia Palace Hotel, which is located within walking distance from the heart of the city. The Local Organizing Committee has arranged special prices for rooms at the venue. The deadline for booking at these special prices is September 26, 2014.
To book your room, please visit: https://www.icac.org/getattachment/mtgs/Plenary/73rd-Plenary/Details/Details-on-booking.pdf

Also, the Local Organizing Committee in collaboration with SYMVOLI (Conference & Cultural Management) have arranged several city and technical tours for the participants and accompanying persons. To get acquainted and learn more about the host city and country, please book your tour as soon as possible since spaces are limited.
To book your tour, please visit: http://www.symvoli.gr/conference/icac2014/page/main
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