CSITC — Round Trials, 2011

arrowActual participants in 2011 for Directory

arrow2011 RT3 6-22-11

arrowPress Release RT 2011-3

arrowPress Release RT 2011-4 draft-2


arrowDefinition of RTs

The ICAC Task Force on Commercial Standardization of Instrument Testing of Cotton (CSITC) conducts quarterly round trials to help establish international standardization of cotton classification based on the Universal Calibration Cotton Standards in order to promote efficiency in cotton production and marketing. All cotton testing centers around the world are encouraged to participate to ensure that their cotton testing results using Uster HVI equipment and other testing instruments are on the same level of accuracy as other test centers. In 2011, participation in the CSITC round trials was sponsored through a project worth $7.9 million involving the Common Fund for Commodities, the International Cotton Advisory Committee, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Fiber Institute of Bremen, Germany, and the European Community.

The ICAC Task Force on Commercial Standardization of Instrument Testing of Cotton (CSITC) conducted its fifth official CSITC Round Trials in 2011. The round trials consist of quarterly tests. Laboratories that miss an earlier trial can participate in the remaining ones. All cotton fiber testing laboratories capable of measuring cotton samples with rapid testing instruments, often referred to as high volume instruments (HVI), and based on the Universal Calibration Cotton Standards for Micronaire, Upper-half mean length, Length uniformity index, Strength, Rd color, and +b color are encouraged to participate. Participation in a CSITC Round Trial is not limited to test centers using Uster HVI equipment. CSITC evaluations are based on test results and are not dependent on the manufacturer, model or kind of testing instruments used.

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