Paper 3/2011: Seminario Técnico Internacional sobre el Cultivo del Algodonero (2.2MB) |
Alejandro Plastina |
Barranquilla, Colombia 20 de mayo de 2011 |
Paper 2/2011: World Cotton Market Prospects: Slow Growth in Yields to Result in Higher Average Prices (147K) |
Terry Townsend |
PCI Consulting Group American Plyester Industry Conference 2011 Houston, Texas, USA 16 February, 2011 |
Paper 1/2011: Volatility in Prices of Cotton and Other Commodities (1.5MB) |
Alejandro Plastina and Dingxiaoz Ding |
A preliminary version of this study was presented at the ICAC Standing Committee Meeting N507 on November 23, 2010 in Washington DC |
Volatility in Prices of Cotton and Other Commodities(651K) |
ICAC Secretariat |
Presented to the 507th Meeting of the Standing Committee Washington DC 23 November, 2010 |
Outlook for Cotton Supply and Use (127K) |
Andrei Guitchounts |
Moscow, Russia 18 May, 2010 |
Cotton: Spot Prices Become More Responsive to Futures Prices (70K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
A summary of this article will be published in “Cotton: Review of the World Situation” Volume 63, Number 1, September-October 2009. |
Global Context of Cotton Production (360K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the World Organic Cotton Congress Interlaken, Switzerland 23-25 September, 2009 |
Situation et perspectives du marché mondial du coton(389K) |
Armelle Gruere |
Presented to AFCOT Montreux, Switzerland 9 October, 2009 |
Open-End Versus Ring Spun Cotton Yarns (28K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
Extract from ICAC’s World Textile Demand, September 2009 |
The International Cotton Market: Major Challenges — Overview of the World Cotton Industry (104K) |
Terry Townsend |
Remarks prepared for delivery during The Multilateral Trading System: a US-Africa Dialogue on Cotton Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC 20 July 2009 |
Outlook for World Cotton Supply and Use (216K) |
Armelle Gruere |
Presented to Eurocoton 49th General Assembly Paris, France 26 June, 2009 |
The World Cotton Situation(100K) |
Terry Townsend |
Director-General’s Consultative Framework Mechanism on Cotton 11th Round of Consultations WTO Headquarters, Geneva 24 April 2009 |
Child Labor in the Cotton and Textile Sectors (180K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
Presented at the conference “Fashionably and ethically in the textile and clothing sector” Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Technical University of Lódz, Poland 17 March 2009. |
Privatization/Liberalization of the African Cotton Sector and Competitive Production (31K) |
ICAC Secretariat |
Report on Round Table Discussion at the 6th Annual Congress of the African Cotton Association (ACA) Lusaka, Zambia 13-15 March, 2008 |
Government Support to the Cotton Industry (40K) |
ICAC Secretariat |
Presented to the 493rd Meeting of the Standing Committee Washington DC 29 May, 2008 |
Outlook for World Cotton Supply and Use (748K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 84th Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association Amelia Island, Florida 23 May, 2008 |
World Cotton Outlook and Production Costs (293K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the 9th Meeting of the Southern and Eastern African Cotton Forum (SEACF) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 7-8 April, 2008 |
Update on Costs of Producing Cotton in the World (217K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the 29th International Cotton Conference Bremen, Germany 3-5 April, 2008 |
Speculation and Cotton Prices(101K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
This article will be published in “Cotton: Review of the World Situation” Volume 61, Number 4 March-April 2008 |
Cotton Production Prospects in Selected Foreign Countries(82K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
Paper presented at the 2008 Agricultural Outlook Forum – Energizing Rural America in the Global Marketplace Washington DC, USA 21-22 February, 2008 |
Structural Changes in the World Cotton Market Linked to the End of MFA Quotas(98K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
Paper presented at the USDA/ERS conference “The End of the Multifiber Arrangement: Impact on Developed and Developing Countries” Washington DC, USA 31 January, 2008 |
Technical Change in Seed Cotton Production (186K) |
Alejandro Plastina and M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Paper presented at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences Nashville, Tennessee, USA 8-11 January, 2008 |
Outlook for Cotton Production and Developments in Production Research (41K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the UNCTAD/UNDP Workshop on Enhancing the Cotton Value Chain in Africa Through Trade and Investment with a Special Emphasis on Regional and South-South Cooperation. Bamako, Mali. 11-12 December, 2007 |
Effects of Eliminating Government Measures in Cotton (66K) |
Alejandro Plastina |
Paper presented at the 66th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee in Izmir, Turkey, October, 2007 |
The Uzbek and Central Asian Cotton Industries: Building on a Successful History to Create a Better Future (30K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented at the 4th International Cotton and Textile Conference. Tashkent, Uzbekistan 17-19 September, 2007 |
World Cotton Market: Demand Growth Continues — Russian (593K) |
Andrei Guitchounts |
Presented at the 4th International Cotton and Textile Conference. Tashkent, Uzbekistan 17-19 September, 2007 |
2007/08 World Cotton Outlook (62K) |
Armelle Gruere |
Presented to the 9th International Cotton Conference. Gdansk, Poland 6-7 September, 2007 |
Africa’s Cotton in the World(178K) |
Gérald Estur |
Presented at the Seminar on Cotton in Africa. Arusha 6-8 September 2007 |
Trends in World Cotton Prices: Structural Change Leading to Lower Real World Cotton Prices (500K) |
Terry Townsend |
Remarks prepared for delivery during the Director-General’s Consultative Framework Mechanism on Cotton, 8th Round of Consultations. WTO Headquarters, Geneva 18 June 2007 |
The World Cotton Situation — Projections to 2020 (77K) |
Terry Townsend and Armelle Gruere |
Presented at the 83rd Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association. Dallas at Las Colinas, Texas 24-26 May, 2007 |
Biotechnology Applications in Cotton: Concerns and Challenges (291K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the Regional Consultation on Biotech Cotton for Risk Assessment and Opportunities for Small Scale Cotton Growers (CFC/ICAC 34FT). Faisalabad, Pakistan. 6-8 March, 2007 |
Outlook for Cotton Supply and Use (123K) |
Andrei Guitchounts |
Presented at the International Textile Conference. Chimkent, Kazakhstan. 25 October, 2006. |
Outlook on World Cotton Trade (123K) |
Armelle Gruere |
Presented to the Conseil d’administration de la COPACO. Paris, France. 11 October, 2006. |
Cotton Research: World Situation (430K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented to the 50th Anniversary of the National Cotton Project, Sáenz Peña, Chaco, Argentina. 18 September, 2006 |
Investigación en Algodón: Situación en el Mundo (156K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented to the 50th Anniversary of the National Cotton Project, Sáenz Peña, Chaco, Argentina. 18 September, 2006 |
The World Cotton Outlook(248K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 82nd Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association. 11-13 May, 2006. |
The World Cotton Outlook(182K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the IWTO Wool Forum Biella, Italy. 29 November 2005. |
Cotton Prices (319K) |
Gérald Estur |
Presented at the International Task Force on Commodity Risk Management (ITF) Interlaken, Switzerland. May 18, 2005. |
The World Cotton Outlook(825K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 81st Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association. 5-7 May, 2005. |
Séminaire introductif à la gestion des risques de prix du coton (227K) |
Gérald Estur |
Cotonou; Bénin. 12 avril 2004 |
Situation et perspectives du marché mondial du coton(221K) |
Gérald Estur |
8 avril 2005 |
Situation et perspectives du marché mondial du coton(979K) |
Gérald Estur |
Communication présentée lors du séminaire annuel de l’Association Cotonnière Africaine à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso le 10 mars 2005. |
The Competitiveness of African Cotton in the World Market (21K) |
Gérald Estur |
Paper published in Cotton Outlook, Special Feature March 2005, “Cotton in Africa” |
La compétitivité du coton africain dans le marché mondial (22K) |
Gérald Estur |
Paper published in Cotton Outlook, Special Feature March 2005, “Cotton in Africa” |
Is West African Cotton Competitive with the U.S. on the World Cotton Market?(319K) |
Gérald Estur |
Presented at the Beltwide Cotton Conference 7 January 2005. |
Cost of Production in USA and Other Countries (195K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Beltwide Cotton Conferences. 7 January, 2005. |
Commercial Standardization of Instrument Testing of Cotton: How Soon a Reality?(59K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented at the Beltwide Conference. 6 January, 2005. |
Proposal for Future Actions in respect of the Commercial Standardization of Instrument Testing of Cotton (CSITC) (27K) |
Andrew Macdonald |
Expert Panel – International Cotton Advisory Committee |
Cotton Breeding at Crossroads (83K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the Interregional Cooperative Cotton Research Network for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions meeting held at Thessaloniki, Greece from September 30 to October 2, 2004. |
Cotton Supplies Expanding(51K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented at the Liverpool Cotton Conference 8 October, 2004. |
Statement for the CICCA 2004 Plenary Meeting (28K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented 8 October, 2004. |
Cotton Price Forecasts: What Has the ICAC Learned and What Can Industry Expect? (524K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the Centenary Conference of the International Textile Manufacturers Federation, Lucerne, Switzerland 26 September, 2004. |
Commodity Risk Management Approaches for Cotton in West Africa — Updated (147K) |
Gérald Estur |
Study for the Commodity Risk Management Group of the World Bank 22 June, 2004. |
Commodity Profile: Cotton(36K) |
Gérald Estur |
General Paper June 2004. |
Competitiveness in the World Cotton Industry (444K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 36th World Farmers’ Congress. Washington, DC. 29 May – 04 June, 2004. |
The World Cotton Market: A Long-Term Outlook (212K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
Presented at The WTO African Regional Workshop on Cotton, Cotonou, Benin March 23-24, 2004 |
La volatilité des prix sur le marché mondial du coton(94K) |
Gérald Estur |
Communication présentée lors du séminaire technique de l’Association Cotonnière Africaine le 5 mars 2004 à Dakar, Sénégal. |
World Extra-Fine Cotton Outlook (606K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 5th U.S. Pima Industry Seminar. San Diego, California 19-20 February, 2004. |
Quality Requirements for U.S. Cotton Exports (51K) |
Gérald Estur |
Presented at the Quality Measurements Conference, Beltwide Cotton Conferences, San Antonio, Texas 8 January, 2004. |
Developments in World Fiber Consumption Pattern: An Overview of 1996 and 2000 FAO/ICAC Fibre Consumption Survey (11K) |
Gérald Estur and Carlos Valderrama |
Presented at the China Cotton Conference, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan. October 27, 2003. |
Current Developments in the World Cotton Market and Short-term Outlook (23K) |
Gérald Estur |
Presented at the China Cotton Conference, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan. October 27, 2003. |
Impacts of Government Measures on African Cotton Producers (75K) |
Terry Townsend |
A statement by the Executive Director of the ICAC before the annual session of the Trade and Development Board, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. 13 October 2003 |
Subsidies Beyond 2006 (78K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the Liverpool Cotton Association, 2 October 2003. Liverpool, United Kingdom. |
Lower Long Run Average Cotton Prices (84K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented at the IV Brazilian Cotton Congress. 15-18 September, 2003. Goiania, Brazil. |
New Directions in Cotton Production Research (277K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the IV Brazilian Cotton Congress. 15-18 September, 2003. Goiania, Brazil. |
Cotton Tomorrow (150K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the International Technical Seminar on Cotton. August 8-9, 2003, Bogota, Colombia |
La compétitivité du coton de la zone franc dans le marché mondial (180K) |
Gérald Estur |
Communication présentée lors de la Réunion Ministérielle de Concertation Régionale sur la filière coton dans la zone UEMOA le 18 juin 2003 à Ouagadougou. |
World Cotton Production to Climb Next Two Seasons(45K) |
Terry Townsend |
79th Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association. May 22-24, 2003, Ritz-Carlton, Boston, MA, USA. |
Le coton africain dans le marché mondial (118K) |
Gérald Estur |
Communication présentée lors du premier séminaire de l’Association Cotonnière Africain le 3 mars 2003 à Bamako. |
Trends in Non-U.S. Production and Consumption: Increasing Globalization(239K) |
Terry Townsend |
Beltwide Cotton Economics and Marketing Conference, Nashville, TN, USA. 11 January, 2003. |
Impact of Genetically Engineered Cotton in the World (305K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the 2nd Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network, 14-16 November 2002, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. |
Government Measures and the World Cotton Industry(183K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 11th Australian Cotton Conference, 13-15 August 2002, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia. |
Toward a Lower Long Run Average Cotton Price (279K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 78th Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association, May 30-June 1, 2002, Ritz-Carlton, Palm Beach, Florida, USA. |
Cost of Production of Raw Cotton (56K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Presented at the III Brazilian Cotton Congress, August 31, 2001.Campo Grande, Brazil. |
Mercado mundial de algodão: Mais preços baixos no horizonte (261K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
Estudo apresentado em 31 de agosto de 2001 durante o III Congresso Brasileiro do Algodão. Campo Grande, Brasil. |
The World Cotton Outlook: Continued Below-Average Prices (68K) |
Terry Townsend |
77th Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association. May 3-5, 2001. The Cloister, Sea Island, Georgia, USA. |
New Developments in Non-US Cotton Production and Consumption (51K) |
Terry Townsend |
USDA Outlook Conference, Crystal City, VA, USA. 23 February, 2001. |
World Cotton Market Conditions (85K) |
Terry Townsend |
Beltwide Cotton Economics and Marketing Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA. 12 January, 2001. |
New Frontiers in Cotton Production (23K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Inter Regional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions. Adana, Turkey. 20-24 September, 2000. |
World Cotton Market: Prices and Distortions (158K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
10th Australian Cotton Conference, Brisbane, Australia. 17 August, 2000. |
The World Cotton Outlook: Consumption Finally Rising(51K) |
Terry Townsend |
Presented to the 76th Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association, May 25-27, 2000. Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco. |
Current Cotton Situation in the World (159K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Ministry of Agriculture, Baghdad, Iraq. 06 March, 2000 Natural Resource Institute, Chatham, UK. 09 March, 2000 |
World Cotton Demand in the Future: Issues on Competitiveness (69K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
25th International Cotton Conference, Bremen, Germany. 02 March, 2000 |
World Extra-Fine Cotton Outlook (205K) |
Terry Townsend |
U.S. Pima Industry Seminar, February 24-25, 2000. San Diego, California. |
Explaining International Cotton Prices: a Structural Model Approach (96K) |
Ioannis Klatsas |
Beltwide Cotton Conference, 07 January, 2000. San Antonio, Texas. |
The Impact of Financial Turmoil on the World Cotton and Textile Market (235K) |
Paul Morris, Chairman of the Standing Committee |
1999 China International Cotton Conference, Xi’an, China. September, 1999 |
The World Cotton Situation(84K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Karachi Cotton Asscociation, Karachi, Pakistan. 03 July, 1999 Cotton Development Board, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 06 July, 1999 Central Cotton Research Institute, Multan, Pakistan. 21 July, 1999 Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan. 31 July, 1999 |
Overview of Worldwide Cotton Production (108K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
From Field to Fashion: An Apparel and Textile Industry Forum on Environmental Issues in Cotton Agriculture. San Francisco, USA. 25-26 February, 1999 |
Costs of Producing Cotton in the World (29K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Beltwide Cotton Conference, Orlando, USA. 03-07 January, 1999 |
Opening Address (14K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
World Cotton Research Conference-2, Athens, Greece. 07 September, 1998 |
Situacion del mercado mundial del algodon (33K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
Mayo de 1998 |
The Global Outlook for Cotton(58K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
American Cotton Shippers Association in Naples, Florida. 15 May, 1998 |
Cotton’s Importance in the Textile Industry: The Role of the ICAC (42K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
Symposium in Lima, Peru. 12 May, 1998 |
ICAC and the Internet (17K) |
John Mulligan |
Cotton Outlook Special Feature. April, 1998 |
No Growth in World Cotton Yield (48K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
International Cotton Conference, Bremen, Germany. 12 March, 1998 held from March 11-14, 1998 Hellenic Cotton Board, Greece on 17 March, 1998 |
Cotton Yields and Production Research (24K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Cotton and Oil Seeds Organization, Gorgan, Iran. 16 July, 1997 Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, India. 30 July, 1997 Chinese Cotton Research Institute, Amyang, Henan, Chiona (Mainland). 06 August, 1997. |
The Cotton Market Situation(93K) |
Terry Townsend |
Annual Conference of the International Textile Manufacturers Federation, Marrakech, Morocco. 01 October, 1997 |
World Cotton Outlook (94K) |
Terry Townsend |
73rd Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association. 22 May, 1997 |
The World Cotton Situation in April, 1997 (64K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
Ministry of Agriculture, Asunción, Paraguay. 01 April, 1997 Inta P.R. Saenz-Peña, Chaco, Argentina. 04 April, 1997 Cámara Algodonera, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 07 April, 1997 |
La Situación Mundial del Algodón en abril de 1997(74K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
Ministerio de Agricultura, Asunción, Paraguay. 1 de abril de 1997 Inta P.R. Saenz-Peña, Chaco, Argentina. 4 de abril de 1997 Cámara Algodonera, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 7 de abril de 1997 |
The World Cotton Market Situation (35K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Southern/Eastern African Cotton Forum. Pretoria, South Africa. 15 January, 1997 |
Cotton Situation in the World(27K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Cotton Session of the All African Crop Science Congress. Pretoria, South Africa. 13 January, 1997 |
Harvesting and Ginning of Cotton In The World (29K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Beltwide Cotton Conferences of the National Cotton Council of America. New Orleans, LA. 10 January, 1997 |
El Mercado Mundial de Textiles (328K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
Seminario Número 6, Programa de Economía Textil, Convenio ASCOLTEX-SENA, Medellín, Colombia, 7 de noviembre de 1996. |
The World Cotton Market Situation (214K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
Fiber Buyers Annual Meeting of the American Textile Manufacturers Institute, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. 07 June, 1996 |
Cotton’s Future Trends(361K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
28th Annual Congress of the Commercial Cotton Growers of Zimbabwe, Nyanga, Zimbabwe. 05 June, 1996 |
Regional Cotton Cooperation in Southern and Eastern Africa (157K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
Second Meeting of the Southern/Eastern African Cotton Forum Harare, Zimbabwe, 03 June, 1996 |
Cost of Producing a Kilogram of Cotton (365K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
23rd International Cotton Conference. Bremen, Germany. 07 March, 1996 |
The Global Outlook for Extra-Fine Cottons (416K) |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
23 February, 1996 |
Trends in Agrochemicals Used To Grow Cotton (380K) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Seminar on International Commodity-Releated Enviromental Agreements as an Instrument for Sustainable Devolopment. Netherlands. 23 February, 1996 |
Los Precios del Algodón a Nivel Mundial (331K) |
Carlos Valderrama |
16 January, 1995 |
Major Developments in the World Cotton Industry |
Terry Townsend |
14 December, 1995 |
Cost of Agronomic Operations to Grow Cotton in Latin American Countries |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
Fifth Meeting of the Latin American Association for Cotton Research and Development (ALIDA). Managua, Nicaragua. 13 November, 1995 |
The Cotton Market Situation |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
02 November, 1995 |
Producer Consumer Cooperation in Cotton |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
02 November, 1995 |
The Cotton Market Situation |
Lawrence H. Shaw |
17 October, 1995 |
Slow Growth in World Cotton Yield Boosting Prices |
Terry Townsend |
12 October, 1995 |
World Cotton Yields Are Rising Slowly (22k) |
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
4th International Cotton Conference. Gdynia, Poland. 14 September, 1995 |