ICAC Partners

The ICAC Secretariat works with coordinating agencies and cotton industry organizations in 43 member countries to advance the interests of the world cotton industry through enhanced exchange of technical information, improvements in cotton quality evaluation methods, efforts to encourage the fullfilment of contracts for cotton in international trade and other matters. One component of this cooperation is the use of the ICAC web site as a tool of public communication for ICAC partners, including government agencies and national cotton industry organizations.

Information about products and services provided by ICAC partners simultaneously enliven the ICAC web site and provide valuable information. Working with partners, the ICAC web site contains information about national organizations, membership, publications, statistics, news of upcoming meetings and other information of the partners choosing. In exchange for visibility on the ICAC web site, the partners assist the Secretariat by purchasing a number of annual subscriptions to Secretariat publications for domestic distribution. The material on the web site is updated at least quarterly.

The people visiting the ICAC web site include researchers and cotton industry analysts from around the world. The site receives many visits each week from textile industry buyers and others in the cotton industry looking for information.

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