Gdynia Cotton Association


ul. Derdowskiego 7
81-369 Gdynia

tel. +4858/6207598
fax +4858/6207597


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Photos — 9th International Cotton Conference

Connected with the textile industry since 1935, The Gdynia Cotton Association is the non-profit, non-commercial international corporation of professional character whose members are over 100 companies from 11 countries.

The mission of the Gdynia Cotton Association is to create economically and structurally strong cotton industry in Poland and on the international arena by enhancing both the activities of our members and also those of the institutions, authorities and organisations interested in cotton and other fibres.

The GCA carries this mission out acting as a cooperation and consultation forum in the scope of issues pertaining to turnover, processing, laboratory testing and settling disputes, considering cotton and other fibres as well as ready-made goods and semi-product made thereof.

We co-operate with:

  • International Cotton Advisory Committee, whose task is to process on the world scale the statistical data on production and processing of cotton and to search for new technologies of growing and processing of cotton. The GCA represents the Government of Poland in this organisation.

  • We are the signatory of the Universal Cotton Standards Agreement between the USDA and the most important cotton organisations in the world.

  • Committee for Co-operation between Cotton Associations, which is to co-ordinate the activities of the particular Cotton Associations in order to develop the broadly understood cotton industry and trade of this raw material.

  • We are a member of EUROCOTON – European Committee on Cotton and Allied Textile Industriese

  • We collaborate with various foreign and international organizations and bodies, such as: International Forum for Cotton Promotion in Washington, European Cotton Confederation, ITMF in Zurich, Cotton Council International in London, National Cotton Council in Washington, Cotton Incorporated in Cary, North Carolina and Cotton Associations in particular countries.

The Gdynia Cotton Association provides the following services to its members:

  • Arbitration services
  • Cotton testing services
  • Publishes value differences tables
  • Issues electronic Newsletter and quarterly issued Bulletin on cotton and textile news
  • Organizes cotton classification courses
  • Organizes regular seminars and trainings on contractual clauses, Incoterms, By-laws and Rules, and world cotton situation
  • Organizes meetings of representatives of trading companies and processing industry where the changes in contemporary standardisation systems are discussed and new official standards are presented
  • Represents the interests of members with state authorities, international institutions and other organizations
  • Assists the Polish government in cooperation with European Commision
  • Organizer and sponsor of the International Cotton Conferences, Gdynia, Poland


The quality assured laboratory effects tests:

  • HVI
  • according to Uzbek Norm UzRST 604-93 and O’z Dst 604-2001
  • Micronaire
  • Pressley
  • trash content in fibre (Shirley analyser)
  • humidity of cotton
  • sugar content according to Perkins’s method

Laboratory takes part in the interlaboratory comparative check-tests organised by the USDA and Faserinstitut Bremen. The GCA laboratory was one of the two pioneer laboratories outside the USA that were nominated by USDA to take part in the process of preparation of HVI calibration cotton, when USDA had for the first time decided to consult these standards with their foreign users.


The GDYNIA COTTON ASSOCIATION is the only one Cotton Association in Europe, and the one of the three in the world, holding the cotton classification courses.

The courses are organised in Gdynia, at the GCA Cotton House, and their duration is 8 weeks.

All lectures and practical trainings are in English, Polish or Russian.
The programme of the course includes:

  • classification of cottons of various growths, from short to long staple – the manual method,

  • laboratory methods of cotton testing, with stress put on HVI and GOST norms,

  • world cotton markets,

  • selected problems of raw cotton trade, handling and transport,

  • English terms and vocabulary used in the international cotton turnover.

To register for the course, please contact the Course co-ordinator:
Mrs. Mieczyslawa Raczynska
phone + 4858/ 6207577, 6207598
fax + 4858/ 6207597
e-mail: or

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