Mating of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths in relation to their plant hosts as larvae within Australia cotton farming systems
Dr. Geoff H. Baker and Dr. Colin R. Tann
Exploring the Bt Cotton Potential for the Management of Semilooper Complex, Anomis flava Fab. and Tarache nitidula Fab.
Dr. Umesh Chandra Shelker and Prof. Ayyappan Regupathy
Evaluation of refuge crops for Bt cotton
Dr. S.S. Udikeri, Dr. D.P. Biradar, Dr. Shreeshail S Karabhantanal, Mr. G.S. Guruprasad, Dr. A.R. Alagawadi and Mr. M.A. Basavanneppa
Impact of Bt-cotton on Agriculture in India
Dr. Basavaraj M. Khadi, Dr. Keshav R. Kranthi and Dr. K. C. Jain
Changing Scenario of Pink Bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella(Saunders) Incidence on Cotton
Dr. Basavaraj V. Patil, Dr. Nagangouda A, Mr. Bheemanna M and Mr. Shivanand G. Hanchinal
Detection kits
Dr. Keshav R. Kranthi