Overexpression of ascorbate peroxidase confers drought tolerance in transgenic germplasms of cotton
Dr. Asish Kumar Parida, Dr. Vipin S. Dagaonkar, Mr. Manoj S. Phalak, Mr. Tushar P. Borase, Dr. Randy D. Allen, Dr. Govind V. Umalkar and Mr. Laxman P. Aurangabadkar
Earliness, partitioning, and yield responses to potassium in cotton cultivars
Mrs. Jenny Clement Bailey and Dr. C. Owen Gwathmey
The use of morphophysiological methods to evaluate gossypium germplasm for drought resistance
Dr. S. Nabiev, Dr. M. Ahmedov, Dr. A. Abukhovskaya and Mr. B. Jalilov
Infleunces of potasium foliar fertilization andirrigation by diluted seawater on growth andsome chemical conistituents of cotton plants
Dr. Mohamed Moursy Hussein Hussein
Impact of drought and high temperature stresses on cotton fiber development and fiber quality
Dr. Junping Chen and Dr. John Burke
Variation in transpiration efficiency among 100 cotton lines
Dr. Zhanguo Xin and Dr. Bobbie McMichael
Transcriptional Responses of Allotetraploid Cotton Species to Salt Stress
Mr. Joshua Udall