1168 Advances in Nematode Managment in Cotton 2

Dr. Robert L. Nichols


Crop rotation- an effective tool for managing reniform nematodes in cotton

Dr. William S. Gazaway, Dr. K. S. Lawrence, Dr. C. D. Monks and Mr. J. R. Akridge




Rotylenchulus reniformis Host Status Evaluations of Common Weeds Associated with the Gossypium hirisutum Zea mays Rotation System

Dr. Kathy S. Lawrence, Dr. A. J. Price, Dr. Gary W. Lawrence, Mr. J. R. Jones and Mr. R. Akridge


Nematode Management using Remote Sensing Technology, Self-Organized Maps and Variable Rate Nematicide Applications

Dr. Gary W. Lawrence, Mr. Rushabh A. Doshi, Dr. Roger L. King, Dr. Kathy S. Lawrence and Dr. Jacobo Caceres


Yield and fiber quality performance of cotton varieties across populations of reniform and root knot nematodes

Dr. Ken E. Lege, Dr. David W. Albers, Mr. James C. Bosch, Dr. Thomas A. Kerby and Mr. Thomas R. Speed