Sixth Open Session
Technical Seminar: “Intellectual Property Rights and the Role of Private Breeders”
Chair: Jens Soth, Helvetas, Switzerland
Wednesday, 10 October, 09:00. Room: “Kongress-Saal” – congress hall
Summary of the Meeting (286.19 KB)
Intellectual Property Rights: Need for Overhaul (62.99 KB)
Dr. Yusuf Zafar, ICAC Researcher of the Year 2012, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
Breeding and Seed Production: An Intricate Relationship (293.00 KB)
Dr. Ghorban Ali Roshani, Director, Cotton Research Institute, Iran
Breeders Rights in Egypt (527.59 KB)
Dr. Mohamed Abdel Hakeem Nagub, Director, Cotton Research Institute, Egypt
Intellectual Property Rights and Prospects for Private Cotton Breeding in Kazakhstan (132.10 KB)
Dr Ibadulla Umbetayev, Director, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Cotton
Prospects for the Cotton Seed Industry in West Africa (89.60 KB)
Dr. Muhammed Iya, Director General, SODECOTON, Cameroon
Intellectual Property Rights and the Role of Private Breeders in Global Cotton Breeding (3.08 MB)
Dr. Anju Gupta, Global Cotton Breeding Pipeline & Process Lead, Monsanto, USA