Research Associates Program — 2003

24 March, 2003 - 24 March, 2003
Washington DC?,

Excerpt from SC-M-466 (minutes of the Standing Committee), 24 April

“The executive director reported that the World Cotton Research Conference–3 was held in Cape Town, South Africa from March 9-13, 2003. 305 researchers from 37 countries attended the conference. The ICAC, CIRAD-CA, FAO, Cotton South Africa and the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa sponsored the conference. The local Organizing Committee also arranged sponsorships from many private companies.

“In four days, 164 papers were presented orally while 80 papers were presented as posters. There is great enthusiasm among cotton researchers to continue the world cotton conferences initiated by the ICAC in 1994. Brazil, Turkey and the USA are competing to host the World Cotton Research Conference–4 to be held in 2007. The International Committee of the WCRC-3, composed of major sponsors, regional representatives and chairs of the world cotton research conferences, will consider proposals from three countries in Gdansk, Poland and make a decision on the host country of the WCRC–4.”

The World Cotton Research Conference–4 took place in Lubbock, Texas, USA, from September 10 to 14, 2007. For more details, go to the WCRC-4 page.

PDF Attendance (23K) List of Participants

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