Updates on Cotton Production Research


The main vehicle for providing updates on production research is a quarterly journal called The ICAC RECORDER. Four issues of the journal are published in March, June, September and December of every year. The ICAC RECORDER was first written in English only but is now published in the three official languages of the ICAC; English, French and Spanish. In addition to feature articles, which usually provide a review of a specific issue, short notes highlighting research achievements are also included in each issue. Important cotton meetings and publications are also reported in the ICAC RECORDER. A limited number of copies are made available at no cost to cotton research institutions in ICAC member countries. However, the publication is also available from the ICAC Secretariat bookstore at an annual subscription rate in hard copy and in electronic version.

Books Published

Books published are
  • Cotton Facts (Dr. M. Rafiq Chaudhry and Andrei Guitchounts, 158 pages, 2003)
  • Cotton: Technology for the 21st Century (Edited by Dr. Phil J. Wakelyn and Dr. M. Rafiq Chaudhry, 475 pages, 2010) 
  • Dictionary of Cotton (ICRA and ICAC, 174 pages, 2015) - International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA) and ICAC jointly published the Dictionary of Cotton. Thirty-three researchers from various countries contributed definitions/terms in various disciplines. 
Books can be ordered from the bookstore.

Review Articles

Updates on production research are also provided through detailed review articles. Researchers of international reputation in their expertise are contracted to write detailed review articles in English. Since 1989, following articles have been published:

  • Cotton Fiber Impurities (Dr. L. Verschraege, 55 pages, 1989)
  • Stickiness in Cotton (Dr. Debra J. Hector and Dr. Ian D. Hodkinson, 44 pages, 1989)
  • Biotechnology of Cotton (Dr. James McD. Stewart, 56 pages, 1991)
  • Short Fiber Contents and Uniformity Index (Dr. Hassan M. Behery, 48 pages, 1993)
  • Insecticide Resistance and its Management in Cotton Insects (Dr. Steve J. Castle, Dr. Nilima Prabhaker & Dr. Thomas J. Henneberry, 55 pages, 1999.
  • Climate Change and Cotton Production in Modern Farming Systems (Dr. Mike P. Bange, J. T. Baker, P. J. Bauer, K. J. Broughton, G. A. Constable, Q. Luo, D. M. Oosterhuis, P. Payton, D. T. Tissue, K. R. Reddy and B. K. Singh), 61 pages, 2016. 


A limited number of copies of the review articles are provided free to member countries. Additional copies can be ordered from CAB International. However, the article on insecticide resistance can be purchased from the ICAC. CABI Publishing, CAB International Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8DE, UK.

Email: orders@cabi.org

Technical Seminar

The TIS at every Plenary Meeting of the ICAC organize a one-day Technical Seminar on a selected topic. The Technical Seminar is the most important activity of the ICAC’s Committee on Cotton Production Research. The Committee on Cotton Production meets every year at the Plenary Meeting, holds a Technical Seminar and decides a topic for the next seminar in addition to discussing other activities of the TIS and technical issues in the field of production research. Leading experts on a selected topic are invited to present papers in the Technical Seminar. Papers presented and submitted for the Technical Seminar are compiled and published each year. The publications are available for free from the ICAC.

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