Asian Cotton Research and Development Network
In June/July 1999, the ICAC organized a regional consultation on insecticide resistance management in cotton at the Central Cotton Research Institute, Multan, Pakistan. Delegates from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China (Mainland), India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Vietnam in addition to participants from Australia, CIRAD-CA, France, United Kingdom and the USA attended the Consultation. Participants decided to form the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network and elected Dr. Zahoor Ahmad of Pakistan as its first Chairman and Dr. L. S. Randhawa of India as its Vice Chairman.
Seventh Meeting, Nagpur, India. September 15-17, 2017
The Seventh Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network was held at Nagpur during 15-17 September 2017. The Indian Society for Cotton Improvement (ISCI), Mumbai hosted the meeting together with the ICAR-CICR (Central Institute for Cotton Research), Nagpur and ICAR-CIRCOT (Central institute for research on Cotton Technologies). The main theme of the meeting was PRODUCING QUALITY FIBRE & DOUBLING COTTON FARMERS INCOME. Cotton researchers from public and the private sector participated. Dr. C. D. Mayee, President, Indian Society for Cotton Improvement, was the chairman, of the organizing Committee. The meeting elected Dr. Prashant G. Patil as Chairman of the Network until the next meeting.
Dr P. G. Patil
Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology,
Adenwala Road, Matunga(East), Mumbai-400 019.
Tel. 24127273/76, 24184274/75
Fax No.24130835/24157239
Final Program
Abstracts (cover pages)
Abstracts Part-1
Abstracts Part-2
List of Participants
Sixth Meeting, Dhaka, Bangladesh, June 18-20, 2014
The Sixth Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from June 18-20, 2014. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Bangladesh hosted the meeting. The Cotton Development Board of the Ministry of Agriculture served as a primary host. The meeting was open to all researchers from the region and outside the region and from public and private sectors. In additional to the ICAC, CABI, UK, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (Bangladesh) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council sponsored the meeting. The meeting elected Dr. Md. Farid Uddin as Chairman of the Network until the next meeting in three years.
Dr. Md. Farid Uddin
Additional Director, Cotton Development Board
Dhaka, Bangladesh
List of Participants
Papers Presented at the Meeting
Book of Abstracts
Implementation Initiatives
The network has an electronic mailing list, hosted by ICAC, for communications among researchers. Subscription to the list is free:
Fifth Meeting
The Fifth Meeting was held in Lahore, Pakistan. February, 2011
The Cotton Research Institute, Faisalabad, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan hosted the 5th Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research & Development Network at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan from February 23-25, 2011. The Department of Agriculture of the Government of the Punjab, Pakistan, International Cotton Advisory Committee, FAO Sub Regional for Central Asia and CABI South Asia, Pakistan in addition to a large number of private sector companies sponsored the meeting. Cotton Researchers from the public and private sectors were invited to attend. Dr. Noor-ul-Islam was elected Chairman of the Network until the next meeting to be held in three years.
Dr. Noor-ul-Islam
Chairman, Asian Cotton Research & Development Network
Director General Agriculture (Research)
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute
Phone: 92-41-2654359
Fax: 92-41-2653874
Fourth Meeting
Fourth Meeting, Henan, China. September, 2008
Third Meeting
The Third Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network in conjunction with final workshop of the ICAC’ Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) funded project Sustainable Control of the Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera in Small-Scale Cotton Production Systems (CFC/ICAC 14) was held at Nagpur, India from June 27-29, 2005. The Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research hosted the meeting. Delegates from Bangladesh, China (Mainland), Pakistan, Vietnam, UK, USA, Uzbekistan, CFC, ICAC and a large number of Indian participants from the public and private sector attended the meeting. The meeting noted the emerging problem of pink bollworm in India and decided to designate a lead researcher to review the pink bollworm situation in the region where China (Mainland) and Pakistan have already done a lot of work on this pest. The meeting decided to continue holding the meetings every two years and elected Dr. B. M. Khadi of India as the new Chairman of the network.
Second Meeting
The Second Meeting of the Asian Cotton Research and Development Network was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from November 14-16, 2002. The overall theme of the meeting was “New Genetical Approaches to Crop Improvement.” Delegates from China (Mainland), India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan and ICAC Secretariat attended the meeting. The meeting elected Dr. Abdusattor Abdukarimov of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology (IGPEB) of Uzbekistan as Chairman and Dr. C. D. Mayee of India as the Vice Chairman of the Network to serve until the third meeting to be held in India in 2004. Proceedings on the meeting are available from the ICAC.