7th Asian Cotton Research and Development Network Meeting’ (ACRDN)
Le Meridien, Nagpur, India, September 15-17, 2017.
International Cotton Advisory Committee,
Indian Society for Cotton Improvement,
ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research and
ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology

Theme: Production of quality fibre and doubling cotton farmers’ income
(Disclaimer: The presentations on this web-page contain material (slides/text/images) which are the sole responsibility of the authors/presenters and do not in any way represent the opinion, views or propriety of the ICAC)

Plenary Session
Shri Suresh Kotak: KING COTTON, future for Asia 
Dr Terry Townsend: The dynamics of cotton markets with reference to Asia
Global Best Practices for High Yields
Derek Russell: Best practices for high yields in Australia
Md Negm: Best practices for high yields in Egypt
MV Venugopalan:  Refining and adapting global best practices for enhancing the productivity of Indian cotton
Kamrul Islam: Best practices for high yields in Bangladesh
Panel Discussion 2: Cotton Mechanization
Gautam Majumdar: Small holder cotton mechanization: bane or a boon
SK Shukla: Effect of various ginning technologies on fibre properties of machine harvested cotton
MK Sharma: Technological advances in double roller gin plant machineries in India during 2010-2016
Jagvir Singh: Product Manager, Tirth Agro Technology Pvt. Ltd¸Rajkot Agricultural implements –Shaktiman Brand
SAARC SPECIAL Concurrent Panel Discussion Session 3: GERMPLASM EXCHANGE
Panelists: Dr. V. Kumar, Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Farid Uddin, Dr. S. Manickam & Dr. Vipin Dagaonkar
Cotton viral diseases - 4A
Judith Brown: Spatial and temporal distribution analysis of the cultivated-wild plant host interface reveals extreme genomic diversity among geminiviruses in Pakistan
Albert Santos: Breeding cotton for CLCuD resistance
D Monga: Cotton Leaf Curl Virus Disease in India- Integrated management strategies and the way ahead
Dharminder Pathak: Interspecific hybridization for cotton leaf curl disease resistance in upland cotton
Breeding for quality & high yields - 4B

SL Ahuja: Evaluation of advance generation population of G. hirsutum cotton for high GOT% & high yield in North zone
MM Abed Ali: Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis in upland cotton
Vadodariya KV: Combining ability analysis for seed cotton yield and its component traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
SM Palve: Genetic variation for harvest index in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.)
DH Patel: G X E interaction and stability analysis in cotton
Abiotic stress and Climate change - 4C
Vinita Gotmare: Waterlogging tolerant Gossypium hirsutum germplasm accessions
JH Meshram: Root system architecture (RSA) under stress: Implications for adaptive responses in cotton
Khalequzzaman: Effect of cotton seed oilcake on cotton yield and yield contributing characters
Whiteflies -5A

Timothy Dennehy: Global perspectives on whitefly
SK Sain: Studies to identify most virulent strains of entomopathogenic fungi for microbial control of sweetpotato whitefly (Bemicia tabaci) infesting cotton in North India
Rishi Kumar: Whitefly epidemics in north cotton growing zone of India: lessons learnt and way forward
Satnam Singh: Status of insecticide resistance in Bemisia tabaci to commonly used insecticides in cotton from Punjab
Socio-Economics and Technology transfer - 5B
M. Sabesh: Global best practice for higher cotton productivity- Can India adopt and improve?
A. R  Reddy: Is MSP relevant for cotton farmers in India
S. M. Wasnik: Role of ICTs in promotion of best cotton management practices and enhanced productivity
S. Usha Rani: Best farmer friendly transfer of technology practices proposed to double the cotton farmers’ Income in India
Rajeev Baruah: The Better Cotton Initiative: Developing better cotton as a mainstream commodity
Nanotechnology -Applications in cotton - 5C
N. Vigneshwaran: Application of nanotechnology in cotton
R. Guruprasad: Electrospun nanomaterials - Basics and Applications
A. Arputharaj: Development of functional cotton textiles using nano-ZnO
A. K. Bharimalla: Application of Nanocellulose in pulp & paper and composites
Bollworms -IPM/IRM -6A
Derek Russell: A Brief History of Helicoverpa and Pectinophora
B. V. Patil: Resistance monitoring of Helicoverpa armigera to insecticides across different locations of Karnataka
G. M. V. Prasad Rao: Status of Heliothines resistance to Bt cotton in the world
H. R. Desai: Bio-rational Insecticides against pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders in Bt cotton
Nutrient Management technologies -6B
M. T. Rahman: Effect of foliar nitrogen fertilization on cotton Yield, fiber properties and seed quality
Md. Mominul Islam: Performance of different levels of NPKS on growth and yield of some newly released cotton varieties
Kamrul Hassan: Influence of foliar application of potassium and mepiquat chloride on yield, quality and uptake of micronutrient of cotton
K. Velmourougane: Trichoderma-azotobacter bio-film as a promising inoculant for enhancing plant growth and soil nutrient dynamics in cotton
Bio-Reviews -6C
B. G. Solanki: Problems and prospects of cotton cultivation in Gujarat
Suman Bala Singh: MAGIC: A new genetic resource multiple trait improvement and QTL identification in G. hirsutum
T. R. Loknathan: Developmental breeding for jassid tolerance with high productivity and superior fibre quality in G. hirsutum
Nandini G Narkhedkar: Diverse bacteria associated with entomopathogenic nematode species-potential sources of insecticidal toxins
V. S. Nagrare: Cotton pests scenario during last decade in India
V. Mageshwaran: Recent advances in fermentation technology for value-addition to cotton stalks and cottonseed
CRISPR-CAS-9 and Biotech ideas for cotton -7A
Bhagirath Choudhary: Exciting prospects biotech cotton
G. Balasubramani: Comparison of fiber genes expression in wild and lint-less mutant cotton
K. P. Raghavendra: Identification and characterisation of LIM  gene in Gossypium arboreum
Joy Das: CRISPR/Cas technology for next-generation cotton: an overview
B. R. Patil: RNA sequence mediated transcriptome analysis of Gossypium hirsutum genotypes for fibre strength
I. S. Katageri: Application of CRISPR-CAS-9 system to develop gossypol free cotton seed in Gossypium hirsutum L.
Field Experiments for high yields -7B
P. Nalayini: Stale seed bed technique and leguminous cover crops as tools in integrated weed management of irrigated cotton of southern India
K. Sankaranarayanan: Effect of sowing time on  productivity and profitability of  Bt and non Bt cotton in  climate change situation
Rajesh S. Patil: Investigating plant breeding selection efficiency and performance trends in Gossypium hirsutum L. 
HDPS cotton -7C
S. B. Deshmukh: Evaluation of compact genotypes of American cotton under High Density Planting System (HDPS)
S. Manickam: Subiksha, the compact long staple cotton variety with high strength suitable for high density panting system in India
K. B. Sankat: Evaluation of genotypes for High Density Planting under South Gujarat condition
8A: Sustainable technologies for high yields
Md. Farid Uddin: Sustainable intensification of Rabi cropping through cotton + lentil Intercropping in Southern Bangladesh
Sima Kundu: Selecting appropriate based cropping pattern for increasing cropping intensity in Bangladesh
Md. Kamrul Islam: Improving for sustainable cotton production through enhanced resilience to climate change in Asia-Pacific region under the IAEA, Technical Cooperation RAS Project
8B: Breeding for Desi Cotton Improvement
Sandip A. Patil: Identification of best GMS lines having maximum cross boll setting in desi cotton (G. arboreum L.)
S. K. Verma: Improvement of G. arboreum cotton for fibre quality traits vis-a-vis seed cotton yield under north Indian conditions
D. V. Patil: Evaluation of Gossypium herbaceum germplasm race Wightianum under  different sowing dates in central India
V. N. Chinchane: Performance of long linted G. arboreum genotypes for yield and fibre quality parameters under rainfed condition
8C: Ginning and Quality Evaluation
V. G. Arude: Integrated single locking cotton feeder cum cleaner for double roller gin
P. K. Mandhyan: Industrial quality requirement of cotton vis-à-vis its availability- Indian scenario
C. Sundaramoorthy: Contamination status of India cottons
S. V. Ghadge: Design and development of cotton lint opener for preparation of samples in fibre quality testing 
Varsha Satankar: Force variation on beater shaft of double roller gin under different working condition
Open Forum- New Ideas & ICRA Activities
Dr Mohammad Negm: Taking ICRA Forward:
Valedictory Session
Dr. C. D. Mayee: Novel technologies –Today and Tomorrow
Dr. Kavita Gupta: Valedictory Address
Dr. Fariduddin: Remarks of the Chair ACRDN 2014-2017
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