Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions
ICAC and the former Hellenic Cotton Board of Greece organized a meeting of regional cotton researchers in Athens, Greece in July 1984, which can be rightly called the origin and first meeting of the Inter-regional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions. At this meeting, Greece proposed to form a regional network and have regular meetings. Later, the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Near East and CIRAD-CA (then IRCT) of France also actively participated and sponsored meetings of the network. The network attained its formal status after many years.
The network has an electronic mailing list, hosted by ICAC, for communications among researchers. You can request to subscribe for free by sending an email message to:
Thirteenth Meeting
Luxor, Egypt: 2-6 February 2018.
125 participants from 15 countries comprising 43 overseas delegates registered for the meeting. Farmers, researchers, Government officials and representatives from the trade and textile industry from Egypt, Sudan, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Syria, France, Germany, New Zealand, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, UK, ICAC, UNIDO and UNICEF took part in the meeting.
Dr. Mohamed Negm was re-elected to continue as the Chair and General Coordinator of the Mediterranean and Middle East network until the next meeting to be held in 2021.
Proceedings and Recommendations
List of participants
Twelfth Meeting
Sharm-El-Sheikh, Egypt: 7-9 October 2015.
Ninty-seven delegates from ten countries attended the meeting. Dr. Mohamed A. M. El-Sayed Negm of the Cotton Research Institute, Egypt who is General Coordinator of the Network served as the primary host of the meeting.
Dr. Negm was re-elected as General Coordinator of the Network until the next meeting.
It was decided to hold the next meeting is Spain.
List of Participants
Eleventh Meeting
Antalya, Turkey, 5-7 November, 2012
Delegates from Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, India, Mozambique, Spain, Sudan, Pakistan, Turkey, CIRAD and ICAC attended the meeting. The meeting elected Dr. Mohamed A. M. El-Sayed Negm of Egypt as the new General Coordinator of the Network. Next meeting of the Network will be held in Egypt.
Dr. Mohamed A. M. El-Sayed Negm
Head of the Spinning Research Department, Cotton Research Institute
9 Gamaa Street, 12619-Giza, Egypt
Tenth Meeting
Alexandroupoli, Greece, September 28-October 1, 2008
Meeting Documents
Group Photo
The 10th Meeting of the Interregional Cooperative Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions was held in Alexandropoulos, Greece from September 29-30, 2008. Delegates from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, Turkey, CIRAD and ICAC attended the meeting. The meeting elected Dr. Oktay Gencer of Turkey as the new Coordinator until next meeting of the Network.
Dr. Oktay Gençer Director Cotton Research and Application Centre University of Çukurova Adana 01330 Turkey Phone: 90-322-3386797 Fax: 90-322-3386797, 3386381, 3386797 Email:
The meeting authorized the Coordinator to constitute a limited number of working groups and appoint Chairmen to lead the group activities. The Coordinator will work with Chairmen to layout their program until the next meeting.
Participating countries decided to hold the next meeting in three years in Turkey. The next meeting will consider the need to reduce the duration of meetings to two years.
The Coordinator will take all necessary steps to enhance participation of maximum number of countries in the future meetings.
The Coordinator will prepare a directory of cotton researchers in the region.
Ninth Meeting
Sindos, Greece, September 30-October 2, 2004
Delegates from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Poland, Sudan, Turkey, Uster Technologies (USA), CIRAD and ICAC attended the meeting. Proceedings were published on a CD in addition to the abstracts book, which was distributed at the meeting.
Eight Meeting
Chania, Greece, September 27-October 1, 2001
Delegates from Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Spain, Syria, Turkey and USA attended the meeting.
Seventh Meeting
Adana, Turkey, September 20-24, 2000
Delegates from Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan, CIRAD-CA of France, FAO and ICAC attended the meeting. ICAC published a report on the meeting in September 2000 issue of the ICAC RECORDER. Abstracts and full proceedings were also published.
Sixth Meeting
Bari, Italy, July 14-20, 1998
Delegates from Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Spain, Syria and Turkey attended the meeting. Full proceedings where publish.
To obtain a copy of the proceedings, please contact Dr. Urania Kechagia at
Fifth Meeting
Montpellier, France, October 2-5, 1996
Delegates from Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Mali, Morocco, Paraguay, Poland, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, USA, FAO, CIRAD and ICAC attended the meeting. FAO published a report on the meeting.
Dr. Urania Kechagia of Greece replaced Dr. Michel Braud of IRCT as new Chairperson of the network at this meeting.
Fourth Meeting
Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16-19, 1992
It was also called Second Consultation on the Interregional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton – Mediterranean and Middle East regions. Delegates from Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Iran, Israel, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, FAO, CIRAD and ICAC attended the meeting. Report on the Meeting was published in June 1992 issue of the ICAC RECORDER. Proceedings of the meeting were also published by Greece.
Third Meeting
Montpellier, France, April 13-15, 1988
FAO took the leading role in organizing this meeting. The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier and IRCT (now CIRAD-CA) helped to organize the meeting. Delegates from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Sudan, Turkey, UK, FAO and ICAC attended the meeting. FAO published a report. ICAC also did its own brief report on the meeting.
Second Meeting
Montpellier, France, March 3-7, 1986
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier, CIRAD-CA (then IRCT) and ICAC jointly organized the meeting. Delegates from Bulgaria, Greece, Iran, Israel, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, International Institute for Cotton, Textile Institute of France, CFDT and ICAC attended the meeting. Proceedings and a brief report are available from ICAC. The meeting once again emphasized to have regular meetings of the network.
First Meeting
Athens, Greece, July 9-13, 1984
Delegates from Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Spain, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Yugoslavia, International Institute for Cotton, CIRAD-CA (then IRCT) and ICAC attended the meeting. Proceedings are available from ICAC.