12th Meeting of the Southern and Eastern Africal Cotton Forum (SEACF)

Papers of the Meeting


Making Cotton an Attractive and Sustainable Business in Southern and Eastern Africa-1: THE NEED
Sustainability of cotton business: Constant need, changing concept and permanent learning
N. Mahalambe, Director of IAM – Mozambique

The smallholder challenges for making cotton a real business
J. Domingos – Chairman FONPA

Where South and East Africa ginner stands on the value chain
F. Ferreira – Chairman AAM

Trader: Key player in promoting sustainability throughout the value chain
Rohit Kumar

The Effect of National Policies on Small-scale Cotton Production: Experiences from Kenya
A. Muriithi

Making Cotton an Attractive and Sustainable Business in Southern and Eastern Africa-2: THE ENVIRONMENT
Global trend on cotton commodity business
Rebecca Pandolph, International Cotton Advisory Committee

Cotton Business: Has South and East Africa a stake in the global arena
Gabriel Paposseco – IAM Deputy Director

Cotton Business Environment in SE African Countries:
a. The case of Mozambique (Focusing on cotton production), H.F.A. de Sousa – Head of Department at IAM;
b. Factors Affecting seed Cotton Price in Mozambique, O.M.A. Catine – Head of Department at IAM
c. Ethiopian Cotton-Textile Value Chain Development 2011-2015,  Z. Desalegn 
d. Development of a National Cotton Classing System in Kenya for Competitiveness and Sustainability – A. Mungai, Kenya

Making Cotton an Attractive and Sustainable Business in Southern and Eastern Africa – 3: THE OPPORTUNITIES
The role of scientific research in making cotton a sustainable and profitable business in Africa
G. Thompson and L. Malinga – Agricultural Research Council, South Africa

Niche Markets: Opportunity for increased production and market efficiency of the SE African cotton
A. Sidumo – BCI Representative for Southern Africa

New opportunities for cotton value addition in East and Southern Africa
K.  Hammar –  ACTIF, Kenya

Piloting Cotton Crop Insurance in Mozambique
A. Banze – IAM Agronomist

Scientific Presentations I: Plant Breeding 
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) Using Microsatellite Markers
L. D. Moiana

Application of Mixed Models to Assess Genotype and Environment Interactions in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) Cultivars in Mozambique
L. D. Moiana

Diallelic Analysis for Seed Cotton and Fiber Yield in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) Germplasm in Mozambique
V. Bechane

Evaluation of Cotton Advanced Lines on Farm for Cotton Production Improvement
E. Lukonge

Screening and Evaluation of Zambian Cotton Germplasm for Tolerance to Drough
N. Bbebe
Scientific Presentations II: Plant Production 
Experience of the Small Holder and Emerging Biotech Cotton Producers in South Africa
J. Ramashala

Effect of Strip Intercropping Between Cotton and Corn in the Incidence of Pest and of the Income, District of Murrumbala – Mozambique
H.F.A. de Sousa

The Effectiveness of Foliar Fertilizers on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) Productivity
A. Raimundo

Support for Women’s Participation In Education, Research and Innovation Process in Kenya R. Nyanga

Summary of Current Status of Cotton Research Program in The Sudan
A.H. Abdellatif, Sudan

Effect of Different Levels of NPK (12-24-12) and Urea on Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L. Race Latifolium H.) Productivity
C.M. Domingos
Scientific Presentations II: Plant Production
Effect of Cow, Goats And Pigs Manure on Soil Improvement for the Increased Productivity of Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) In Cuamba District
E.G. Cossa

Cotton Production and Price Trends in Tanzania
E.I. Mwangulumba

Evaluation of Productivity of 11 Cotton (G. hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) Varieties
F. Chale

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Herbicide (Metolachlor 33% + Terbutryne 17% ec) on Weed Control in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.)
H. A. M. Elias

Effect of Ratooning and Nitrogen Application on Lint Yield and Quality of Cotton Varieties in Central Kenya
J.M.K. Macharia

Effect of Plant Density on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) Productivity
M. M. Tarmamade

Evaluation of a Cotton-Pigeon Pea Strip-Intercrop System in Morrumbala District
R.C.F. Macuácua

Scientific Presentations III: Plant Protection
Performance of Aphid Aphis gossypii Glover Under Transgenic Cotton Bt-Cry1ac & RR –                        A. Chamuene

Effect of Pesticide Match Fit 50 Wg On Pest Control in Two Cotton Varieties
D.E. Bai-Bai

Effect of Bt Cotton Cry1ac and Rr on the Natural Biological Control of Aphid Aphis gossypii Glover
A. Chamuene

Impact of Intercropping on the Population Density of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Productivity of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
A. Chamuene

Functional Responses of Cheilomenes Propingua,  C. Lunata and C. Sulphurea (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to Predation on Aphis Gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Eastern Tanzania
F.P. Mrosso

Effect of Strip Intercropping on the Density of Pests, Natural Enemies and Productivity of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.)
A. Raimundo

Impact Assessment of Integrated Pest Management in Cotton in Morrumbala-Zambezia, Mozambique
A. Chambule

The Effect of Different Levels of Cowpeas Trap Crop on the Control of Aphids in Zimbabwean Cotton Variety
F. Jimu
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