World Cotton Research Conferences

The International Cotton Advisory Committee initiated the World Cotton Research Conferences (WCRCs) in 1994. The Conferences are held every 4-5 years and all aspects of cotton production, quality, processing, textiles and transfer of technology are discussed at the WCRCs. The structure of the conferences allows inviting exceptionally reputed researchers in various disciplines from all over the world as plenary and keynote speakers. All researchers, public and private and from ICAC member and non-member countries, are welcome to attend the WCRCs.  
The host country plays a very crucial role in the organization of the WCRCs. In addition to the ICAC, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and CIRAD (France) are also sponsoring the Conferences. CABI sponsored the WCRC-6 held in Brazil from May 2-6, 2016. The host country mobilizes resources from the public and private sectors in the country.   

World Cotton Research Conference 1 - 6
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